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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What is a girl to do?

Okay, so you know that I tossed my hat in the first time home buyer circus....and I do NOT use that term loosely. Buying a foreclosure can be a great financial decision...however unless you have the $ or expertise to fix that puppy up, it can be an overwhelming experience. No doubt that I'm learning to do a lot of things that I've never done, but this is when I miss having a husband around to work on the "honey do" list! Maybe I underestimated that one a little. :) I have changed the title of my to do list to "Holy Crap, how do I do that list!" I think it has a nice ring to it.

Anyway, no more relaxing evenings for me for a while...wait, did I have those before?? Oh well, I have been spending the evenings fixing things, nay, trying to fix things that need fixing but failing miserably most of the time. Daddy, is this what you called character building? Huh, more like a growth of my four-letter word vocabulary. Grandma - I'm not proud of that part! But I am not giving up...I will keep trying to fix, errr...beg my friends with the right skills to come over and help in exchange for food and bev. We'll just have to see how long it takes before they catch on....hmmm....crap that already happened.

I have successfully changed a shower head, installed a shower curtain rod, replaced the air filters and replaced the sprayer on the sink. WOW! I know, I was pretty impressed myself! LOL I have miserably failed to install the dryer cord and vents, install a garbage disposal (well really didn't attempt HA!) and failed at installing the shower head in my bathroom.

The list still includes:
Patching holes in the walls
Fixing two window screens
Removing the door knobs and having the locks replaced
Repairing the waterline on the fridge
Figuring out what wrong with the water pressure
Installing gutters
Building or buying a dog house and outside storage building
Installing an Invisible Fence
Replacing all of the blinds
Installing towel bars/racks
Making and installing window treatments
So much more that I can even type cause my fingers hurt now.

For those of you looking or thinking of what to get me for Christmas, my birthday, Columbus day - belated, Thanksgiving, daylight savings day, veterans day, or just a care package cause you take pity on me, may I suggest the following:

Paper Shredder (the kind that makes confetti)
Hose and hose wheel/keeper box thingy
Paint supplies....
....or wait, how about gift cards to Lowes or Home Depot!!! They may know me by name in a few short weeks. Better be careful tho....they're gonna want me to pay'em....maybe I'll wear a disguise. Hmmm...more to come on that! :)


  1. Oh,'ll get the hang of it soon enough! It will get easier.....especially once you find yourself a fixer-upper man/ handy-man that knows how to do those things. You need to find one of those ASAP! ???Columbus Day??? Really? You think someone's going to buy into that? I guess it's better to throw it out there, just in case one of us is a 'SUCKER'. Just kidding. It's good though, that you specified 'take pity on you'. You might get some takers on that one. (hahahaha). I'm sure that you are doing a great job getting those things done. I myself have never replaced a shower head or even attempted anything that has to do with the washer/dryer. So, kudos to you for succeeding at one and attempting to succeed at the other. I think that is sort-of impressive. I'll be saying tons of prayers for you and your sanity during this process. Step 1 was only buying a house. Now you have to make that house, your 'home'. Soon enough....all in the Lord's time! Love you little sis' :-)

  2. Well, you never hurts to ask! LOL I'll be attempting some other items tonight! Also, I'm working on the handy man thing....I'll let you know how that goes. :)
